Management training for consultants

In modern conditions the training is the primary way of obtaining professional education. This is purposefully organized, planned and systematically carried out the acquisition of knowledge, abilities, skills and methods of communication under the guidance of experienced teachers, mentors, professionals, executives.

The modern system of continuing education must consist of a number of successive stages characterized by distinct, but interrelated objectives and means of achieving them. The first phase – getting the General knowledge and development of professional skills; the second stage - the development of special, specific knowledge and experience of creative activity; the third stage - a periodic update, deepening and extension of professional knowledge, abilities and skills to improve the efficiency of labor in accordance with the requirements of the market and changes in techniques, technologies and organization of production.

Increasingly, training costs are treated as investment in the development of the organization's staff. These investments should pay off in the form of increasing the efficiency of the organization. Below are the main methods of assessing the effectiveness of training and staff development, namely: Technique Of Donald Kirpatrik, Technique Of Jack Phillips, the method biparametric assessment and evaluation of the effectiveness of training as part of the comprehensive assessment systems BSC, KPI. The Technique Of Donald Kirpatrik. The author suggested a short formula to describe the learning cycle: reaction – training – behavior – results. Four levels determine the order of evaluation of training (training). He noted that each level is important and affects the next level. In the transition from level to level, the evaluation process becomes more difficult and requires more time, but it allows you to get more valuable information. None of the levels cannot be skipped just because I want to concentrate on what the coach thinks is most important.

The Technique Jack Phillips. J. Phillips suggests that economic efficiency as the return on human capital investment" (ROI). The calculation of ROI helps to get a number of benefits, in particular, senior executives:

  • to assess the financial efficiency of investment in employees;
  • to obtain clear and reliable means of determining the effectiveness of interventions for work with personnel;
  • to make measurable «human factor» and its impact on the business results of the company.


  • to evaluate the effectiveness of HR activities in monetary terms;
  • to present the results of their work to the head of the company adopted in the business language of numbers;
  • to get the tool to identify successful and ineffective programs.

Methodology biparametric assessment. McGee offers parametric assessment, i.e. considering the effectiveness and efficiency of learning; it also introduces the concepts of efficiency and effectiveness and their optimal combination is the concept of performance training. We for our part in the solution of the feasibility assessment, the learning effectiveness of the proposed sequential approach to the solution of this question, we have to abandon the idea of developing a universal tool for measuring the effectiveness of training in organizations, and to find methods of measuring efficiency, given the specificity of training events, a range which is wide enough. The definition of comparative effectiveness of training activities can also help to determine the effectiveness of the training which was conducted on the identical programs in different structural units of the organization that is necessary and useful in building corporate standardized system of training.

Evaluation of the effectiveness of training as part of the comprehensive assessment systems BSC, KPI. When assessing individual development areas, to apply modern management of a comprehensive assessment system that includes a number of specific indicators that reflect the effectiveness of the units, in the framework of models that successfully apply methods of integrated assessment, for example, in clarifying the contribution of certain units on the overall performance. Among the above models it is possible to note the applicability of each of them for the tasks of evaluating the effectiveness of staff training, highlighting under the Department responsible for the training, a specific set of target indicators to assess this division of the company. For example, highlighting some quantitative and qualitative indicators of this unit, assuming that the training staff will have an impact on these indicators, we can evaluate the effectiveness of these measures in the complex and for each individual episode related to training. Clearly defining the correlation of these indicators with the indicators of efficiency units, trained, we can analyze the effectiveness of staff training in General in the enterprise.

Patterson L. Management training for consultants: a personal experience // Health Manpower Management. – 2013. – Т. 21. – № 3. – С. 39-40.